Bower | Newborn Session | January 26, 2019 | Courtney Dorsey Photography | WV Newborn Photographer
Updated: 02/27/2020
If you’ve been following along on my photography journey, you know how much I love to capture newborn sessions! Every newborn is different, but all of them have one specific characteristic that leaves me wanting more - their sweet, sweet snoozing faces where they crinkle their noses and purse out their cute little lips!
This sweet boy was one such baby, who literally kept me wanting more. I couldn’t choose just a couple photos to show you all, so here are multiple! We were able to capture him in a sleeping cap, but we also got to photograph him with his parents.
Not only did I love the opportunity to photograph this newborn, but I loved how his parents were so open to letting me be my creative self during his session; he even loved his potato sac wrap- he slept through the entire session!
Sweet boy, thank you for allowing me to say that I was your newborn photographer. These photos will always have a place in my heart <3
~ Courtney
Flokati from my favorite: Luneberry
Entire set: Luneberry
Backdrop: Manly and Pretty Little Things
Sleepy Cap: Little Bear Upcycle Photography Props
Are you in need of a newborn photographer? Shoot me a message so we can book your session! <3